✔ 100% Fresh dates  ✔ Sustainable harvest

✔ Free Date syrup on orders above €100

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Ontbijt bowls

Volg je @just.leanne al op Instagram? Leanne maakt al een tijdje de lekkerste ontbijtjes met Yogi & Yousef dadels. Bijna zonde om zo’n mooi plaatje op te eten! De beste formule om gezond en vol energie aan je dag te beginnen is de combinatie van een (plantaardige)yoghurt, fruit, granen, noten en dadels! Je kan het […]

Vegan Twix

De vegan keukenprinses @https.hanne uit België heeft met Yogi & Yousef dadels een vegan Twix repen gemaakt! Twix repen die glutenvrij, graanvrij, vrij van geraffineerde suikers EN ook nog eens veganistisch! Vegan en boordevol smaak! Check nu het recept van Hanne hieronder of bezoek haar Instagram pagina. IngrediëntenVoor de zandkoekjesbodem 82g @steviala kokosnootmeel 72g kokosolie, […]

No-bake vegan blueberry cheesecake

De vegan keukenprinses @https.hanne uit België heeft met Yogi & Yousef dadels een heerlijke taart gemaakt. Vegan en boordevol smaak! Check nu het recept van Hanne hieronder of bezoek haar Instagram pagina. Ingrediënten bodem 75g pecannoten 48g @steviala amandelmeel 2 dadels zonder pit 2tbsp. kokosnootolie 1tsp kaneel zout Ingrediënten cheesecake 300 g ruwe cashewnoten, gedrenkt […]

Zero waste policy

Did you already know? Yogi & Yousef are working on making date cultivation in Saudi Arabia more sustainable, among other things by reducing water wastage. Our snack boxes and share boxes are packed at a sheltered workshop. We share our dates with people who can’t get or buy them, sharing is caring! The entire harvest […]

Dates and Bioplastic

Bioplastic Plastic packaging has become an integral part of our daily lives these days. From care products to food, they are more often than not packed in a plastic. In recent years, however, plastic has acquired a less and less good reputation. Much plastic is used once and then ends up in the garbage dump […]

Dates and pregnancy

Are Dates Really That Good for You During Pregnancy? Did you know that eating dates during pregnancy may have several benefits? Another great reason to choose Yogi & Yousef’s fresh dates. Dates are known as a nutritious snack, packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. But what exactly does that mean for pregnancy? In this blog, […]

Dates and sports

Sugars & sports Your body can store and use energy in two ways, namely in the form of fat and in the form of glycogen. Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen, which comes from glucose. This stock is not as large as the fat stock, which is recorded as body fat. […]

Sukkary vs Medjoul

Thing, ding, ding! It’s time to battle. Today we will compare our delicious Yogi & Yousef Dates with another quality date, the Medjoul. What are the differences? And what makes our Yogi & Yousef dates so special and delicious? Read on quick! There are about 1500 different types of dates in the world. Dates grow […]

3 x healthy breakfast

Yogi & Yousef’s dates are so healthy, you can eat them at any time of the day! We have 3 delicious recipes for you to start your day healthy with Yogi & Yousef dates. The origin of the recipes can be found under each recipe. Nicecream Ingredients for 1 person 1 banana 100 grams frozen […]

Dadels? 10 wetenswaardige weetjes!

De oudste vrucht ter wereld en door nomaden ‘het brood van de woestijn’ genoemd. 10 Wetenswaardige weetjes over onze Yogi & Yousef dadel van palm tot klant: 1. Trossen dadels aan palmbomen Dadels groeien in trossen aan palmbomen. Eén palmboom produceert zo’n 60 tot 100 kilo dadels per seizoen. Op dit moment staan er in […]

Free shipment Benelux & Germany

from € 70,-

Sustainably sourced

From Saudi Arabia

100% Natural dates

Direct from the palm tree

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